You are here: Activities, Attendance & Registrations > Event Registration/Form Builder

Event Registration/Form Builder

Fellowship One’s Form Builder tool allows you to build forms that you can place on your website to allow people to register for events. Though Form Builder was created for event registration purposes, it is not limited to this type of form.

Getting Started

A little housekeeping must be done before you run off and create your first form. Two tasks will make it easier to create your forms: activity setup and fund setup. Let’s look at these two separately.

Activity setup

When you are creating an event registration form, it’s a good idea to let the form do some work for you such as assigning registrants to an activity. The ability to create assignments based on a form’s submission or an answer to a question is a wonderful convenience. By having an assignment, people are easy to find using Query Builder, rosters can be created, and all participants will already be in the correct room/location when they show up at Check‐in.

In order to make use of the assignment features within your form, you should take a minute to configure your activity prior to beginning your form. Create the activity, its schedule with recurrence, and a room/location to hold the registrants. When you have finished this, you can attach it to the form.

Note: If you have more than one room that the registrant can pick from, you may choose to do one of two things: a) use a drop‐down list question to allow the user to pick which room best fits their needs (e.g., “What grade is your child in?”) b) create a holding room for all registrants to be assigned to and then use Move Assignments on the Ministry tab to move people into the correct room/location before the activity date.

Fund/sub fund setup

If your form will have any kind of money associated with it, you must attach a fund (optionally you can attach a sub fund as well) to it. But not just any old fund will do. Funds that are to be used with forms, must have an Account Reference tied to the fund. An Account Reference is simply a fancy way to say that the fund has been tied to the payment gateway and is ready to process payments.

Account references are created in Giving > Setup > Account References by a Fellowship One user who has Contributions Write access. Once created, you can edit the fund you want to use with the form and pick the account reference to associate with it.

Remember when you are editing your fund that you do NOT want to select the Allow online giving check box unless the fund should also appear in the Online Giving section of your church's website.